Saturday, March 13, 2010

Born Round : The Secret History of a Full-time Eater
by Frank Bruni

Being addicted to food, to the point where your life is totally consumed by it, is what Frank Bruni generates throughout this book. He was a chubby child and became a quite large adult. Born into an Italian family, the meals were of gargantuan portions.
He was constantly on a rollercoaster ride with his weight.
In 2004, he became the food critic of The New York Times a challenge in and of itself.
I so thought that I would totally love this book and place it on my other blog. Twice, I renewed it, placed a hold on it to retrieve it from another library (the first copy was due and had to be returned) and read it from beginning to end.
The first sections were really interesting, the middle started to drag and the last parts were a yawn. He writes like a reporter (his background and previous career) and almost nothing, of what I read, is funny.
Bruni has received plenty of accolades from several reviewers praising him for being honest, unflinching, warm, amusing, endearing, etc. Give me a break. Did any of these people actually read this thing?
Not recommended, at all.

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