Sunday, February 14, 2010

This Book is Overdue! : How Librarians and Cybrarians Can Save Us All
by Marilyn Johnson

I knew that I was in trouble when I got to page 8 and realized this book was doomed. When the author talks about librarians' values, such as truth, free speech, and universal literacy, we are in trouble.
I got as far as page 60 and slammed the book shut. Being a former librarian, this book reminds me of why I left the profession in the first place.
The author is over exuberant about libraries teaching everyone in the whole world how to use a computer so they can become more literate and learn how to obtain information.
What a joke! If anything, computers in libraries have promoted illiteracy. Nobody is reading books, they sit glued to the screens looking at god knows what, send e-mails with incorrect grammar and spelling and have made libraries into video arcades.
The title of the book isn't even correct. It has nothing to do with books.
Don't bother checking this one out.

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